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运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,以新冠疫情期间太极拳、八段锦等民族传统体育对医患双方的身体康健和精神免疫为切入点,阐释民族传统体育在“国之大事”之际的“为民情怀”,及其表现出的至高的生命尊重。在此基础上,对民族传统体育的科学价值、人文精神、现代化发展进行反思。提出,民族传统体育学科建设,应利用好发展契机,积极承担和主导学术话语的建构;充分发挥中国文化的载体作用,以“世界性”的抱负,承担传递人类命运共同体思想的战略使命;扎根民间,立足中国,坚持中西结合、人文与科学结合。  相似文献   
臧庸学术境界的提升和他与扬州学派名家的学术交游有着密切关系。其中,臧庸多次受刘台拱关照与举荐,并请为撰序;王念孙、王引之父子曾托臧庸校《小学钩沉》一书;臧庸视焦循为“谈天三友”之一,且为之撰写《焦氏世徳记》;阮元多番邀臧庸校《经籍籑诂》《十三经注疏》等书;凌廷堪以《校礼堂文稿》示臧庸,并属题《校礼图》。关注臧庸与扬州学派的学术交流,对探讨臧庸的学术成就以及扬州学派和常州学者的学术联系有着重要意义。  相似文献   

The number of ebooks continues to grow in academic libraries. Ebooks have many advantages that make them attractive as a library resource. However, ebooks also have restrictions. These include use and sharing restrictions, license restrictions, and technological barriers. Some students also prefer print books for specific tasks. The following articles examine many aspects of ebooks in academic libraries, including student preference, overall ebook use, and the advantages and disadvantages of various ebook acquisition models.  相似文献   
[目的/意义]针对我国高校图书馆社会化服务效果不佳的状况,试图寻找一种有效且能长期开展的模式,以促进高校图书馆广泛参与,更好地满足民众的文化需求。[方法/过程]以西华师范大学图书馆为例,从组织构建、运作模式、社会效益概述科普基地社会化服务模式,并分析该模式具有构建约束机制、资源保障机制与激励机制、服务渠道的畅通机制的优势。[结果/结论]在自愿的原则下,高校图书馆与省委宣传部、省社科联联合共建科普基地以开展社会化服务,通过经费多家出,协调搭台,借用科普基地完善的管理体制与运行机制,构建高校图书馆社会化服务的长效机制。科普基地工作已在全国广泛开展,高校图书馆作为重要的文化服务单位位于申报对象之列且容易具备申报条件。因此,科普基地社会化服务模式是一种灵活的、有效的、可操作的,且具有广泛参与机制与可持续的模式,值得推广。  相似文献   

In 2016, J. Murrey Atkins Library at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte opened a reservable study room where student parents and caregivers can study with their children on campus. In 2018, the library opened a second family-friendly study room to meet the needs of our growing campus community. To inform the room design, the library conducted a mixed methods research study that included a user survey, an examination of room reservation and usage data, and one-on-one user interviews. This paper focuses on the user-centered design process used to inform the development of the second, family-friendly, library study room.  相似文献   
中外情报学论文创新性特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 综合运用定性与定量相结合的方法对近年中外情报学论文的创新性进行分析和对比,揭示情报学领域研究的创新性特征,发现领域学术论文中创新句内部的知识关系,进行更细粒度的论文创新性分析,为研究领域创新点深层次利用提供条件,同时丰富科技论文创新性监测的途径,促进科学研究创新。[方法/过程] 从句子级创新性识别出发,选取中英文各两种情报学期刊作为样本,采用信息抽取和机器学习的方法,将创新句的抽取从现有的摘要扩展到全文,充分利用句子结构和句法特征识别领域创新内容,探讨近年中外情报学论文在创新对象、主题、类别等方面的特征,并做对比分析,最后通过对自动分类的论文集合进行定性的内容分析,总结归纳出中外情报学论文创新的表达范式。[结果/结论] 从创新的表达来看,中外情报学论文创新句的分布情况基本一致,英文期刊论文创新的表达更丰富。从创新性特征来看,英文情报学期刊论文创新主题较集中,而中文主题多样和分散;具体方法的创新是近年情报学领域的创新热点,而在研究方法上创新不足;中英文情报学期刊论文的创新性特点都反映了应用研究、实证研究的成果较多,而理论创新推动缓慢的趋势。  相似文献   
We analyse the effect of violent crime on students' results in Costa Rica. The combination of PISA data and highly disaggregated information on crime at the district level is a main contribution of this article. Our methodological approach provides also some novelties in the field, the most important being the use of a simultaneous equations model solved with instrumental variables. This allows us to obtain unbiased and efficient estimators in the presence of simultaneity between education and crime. We conclude that exposure to crime, measured by the homicide rate, has a negative and significant impact on academic achievement. This effect is particularly important in the case of students attending schools situated in districts with a lower social development.  相似文献   

Within the context of Pintrich’s self-regulated learning model, recent reviews of the literature show that motivational factors are the strongest predictors of academic performance. Even so, gaps remain in terms of which goal orientation constructs area most strongly related to performance, and whether academic self-efficacy is involved in such relationships, either as mediator or moderator. This study addresses these gaps using a sample of 478 university students; 409 females aged 17–62 (M?=?23.28, SD?=?7.22) and 69 males, aged 18–47 (M?=?22.5, SD?=?6.31). Analyses revealed that academic self-efficacy (ASE) mediated relationships between both mastery and performance-approach goal orientation with achievement, though the mediation effect was larger for the relationship involving mastery approach goal orientation. ASE did not moderate the relationship between performance-approach goal orientation and achievement. Findings suggest teaching programmes should foster learning environments that encourage persistence and effort when learning, and consider how course delivery and feedback can enhance academic self-efficacy, regardless of the goal orientation adopted by students.  相似文献   
哈佛大学是世界高等教育的典范,兼容了英国的学院观念、德国的研究与研究所制度和美国的民主思想。它所秉持的精英教育、真理与学术至上、自由教育和学术自由等教育理念,既是其370多年发展历史的结晶,又是其超越自我、独领风骚、傲视群雄的内在精神。研究哈佛大学教育理念,有助于科学系统地构建引领我国建设高等教育强国的理念体系,为建设世界一流大学提供借鉴和启示。  相似文献   
传统徽州是一个宗族社会,因此对徽州宗族的研究一直深受学界关注。20世纪90年代以来,学者们对于徽州宗族的产生与发展态势、徽州族产与宗族业权、徽州族谱与家谱、徽州宗祠、徽州宗族的社会控制、徽州宗族教育、徽州宗族婚姻、徽州宗族文化等问题均予以较为详尽的考察、分析和探讨。回顾和总结当前的研究状况,有利于今后的研究在更高层面上获得发展。  相似文献   
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